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  • Writer's pictureAlicia

Beauty in the Struggle

Updated: Apr 23, 2018

With only two weeks left until surgery, I'm going to stop and smell the roses today.

Like most millennials, I'm always focused on what's next (especially with my career). I'm always on my grind and searching for the next big thing to accomplish.

It's a good thing...but sometimes I forget to look up and enjoy the journey along the way.

It's like J.Cole says, "there's beauty in the struggle..." but we'll miss it if we don't slow down and pay attention.

Admit it, we rush through life and enjoy the perks of instant gratification.

We pump ourselves up with ambition, become obsessed with reaching our lofty goals, and forget to appreciate the journey, the paths, the struggles, and the hardships we must endure to get there.

I know that I'm guilty of this (especially during my college days). Boy, did I rush through it.

I was THAT girl. You know the ones that appear to be extremely motivated? The ones with the "I can't wait to leave this place attitude."

I don't know what planet I was living on back then, but I couldn't wait to cross the stage. I was certain that life would change instantaneously after grabbing my well-deserved diploma.

Needless to say, I had a rude awakening after strutting across the stage. I was bitter when I realized my flimsy piece of paper wasn't going to swing doors open for me.

There are no regrets for me, but now that I look back, I know I should have lived in the moment more. Instead, I had my eyes were fixated on the prize -- walking the stage.

Now that I'm done with school, I look at things much different. I'm able to see the beauty in the struggles I failed to embrace (like studying for a test).

I remember crying and stressing out in the library with my friends. It was torture when I was in it, but I would do it again if I had to.

We were struggling, but we were making memories. Memories that we look back and laugh about today. It's a beautiful thing when you sit and think about it.

So today, I encourage you all to stop and sniff a few roses, remembering that there is beauty in every struggle.

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