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  • Writer's pictureAlicia

Come Thru Jesus

Updated: Apr 23, 2018

If you know me, you know I have a few common phrases I use. Come thru Jesus is one of them.

It all started with a random trip with my cousin. She's not a very good planner (sorry girl, but you are not). Every time I travel with her, I have to be ready for any and everything... and I mean everything!

One time I left home with bags packed for Cabo and ended up boarding a flight to Cancun when I arrived at the airport. Some of you may be thinking; fun -- how spontaneous. But NO, I'm definitely not about that life.

I like to plan and know what's happening at ALL times, so boarding a Cancun flight with Cabo bags was torturous for me (regardless of the need for similar swim/beach attire).

With that said, my cousin still remains one of my favorite travel buddies.

As I reflect on our trip to Cancun, I'm reminded of some really valuable lessons I learned about trust and faith.

Nothing was going according to plan on this trip.

At one point, we didn't even have a room reservation (again, torture), but every time something went wrong, my well-mannered cousin would pause and calmly say, "Fix it, Jesus." And just like that, she went on about her business.

Fix. it. Jesus? 😒 I would sit there in panic and misery as she sat nonchalantly, waiting on Jesus to come thru.

I needed to chill and be more like her, but you know me, I'm accustom to worry and I like to try and help Jesus fix it (smh, problem number 1).

When life throws me a sour lemon, I'm at the grocery store immediately buying ingredients to try and fix it 😌.

Don't get me wrong; I'm all about making lemonade, but I'm that girl in the store buying strawberries, limes, cucumbers...I'm making sangria, OK! #DoingTooMuch 🙋🏾

But during this trip I had to learn how to step aside, surrender, and place my life and my plans in Gods hands. In other words, I had to have patience and wait for the ingredients to fix my sour lemonade (ain't nobody got time for

Overall, this trip was a good one, and Jesus did in fact work everything out (per usual), but I stressed and worried as if He wouldn't come thru for us. Lesson learned.

So that is where my Come Thru Jesus phrase originated and how it became one of my favorite mottos/celebratory phrase to use when I see or need God to work on my behalf.

Come Thru Jesus

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