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  • Writer's pictureAlicia

A Box of Symptoms

Updated: Apr 23, 2018

"Chiari symptoms are like a box of chocolate... you never know which one you're going to get".... LITERALLY!!

With Valentine's Day around the corner, this image couldn't be more timely.

I've been going into work and have managed to work through some of my symptoms. Thank thee Lord! <3

Some days are better than others. The tingling, headaches and neck stiffness have become my normal, but every now and then I get really dizzy and nauseous.

That's when I turn into a heated mess. This morning was one of those days.

I was having some crazy symptoms, but I went to work anyway. Everything was going fine until I bumped into the wall of a conference room 😑 .

Our conference rooms are glass doors so it was quit embarrassing having my peers see my body plastered against the clear frame.

We'll just wanted to share another embarrassing moment for the books. Chiari is for the birds, man!

Have a great Valentines Day!

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